Healing and Inspiration at The Leaves

Testimonies of Healing

Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Cold symptoms instantly healed

Last week, I woke up feeling groggy and battling the sniffles. I didn’t think much of it, but by the time I got to work and sat down at my desk, I was exhibiting all the physical signs of a cold.

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

My Son's Healing

“A little while ago, my young son had a deep cut on his toe. He seemed to be very alarmed by the blood and was afraid. Other family members were around and offered their support both physically and prayerfully…

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Always Worthy

"I was led to accept a job halfway across the country. I am so grateful to have this job, in which I lead a group of deep thinkers in a cause close to my heart. The best thing about my job is that I get to see not just my own worthiness to lead this group, but each individual’s worthiness as God’s child. Together, we work arm in arm doing God’s work each day."

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Outpatient Gratitude

The Leaves outpatient care was calming and professional. I felt the power of God and of collective prayer so clearly…

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Healed of stroke symptoms

A few months back, I seemed to have a stroke. Just two weeks ago, I seemed to have a reoccurrence of the problem. A co-worker helped me get into work. Two Christian Science nurses helped me to a room for care.

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Grateful for Outpatient services

I was at the store running an errand for a friend. As I was walking along the side of the building, a door opened suddenly, knocking into me and peeling the skin back on the forearm…

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Healing of foot wound

I was supporting a friend at The Leaves the other day, when I walked into a room and scraped my foot on the doorframe. I turned my thought away from mortal sensation toward God in prayer, seeking His guidance. The answer came: “Integrity.”

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Healed after a fall

Recently, I seemed to have a fall and it appeared that I needed help. I called a Christian Science Practitioner to start supporting me and I went to The Leaves…

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

God's Great Shepherding at Christmas

Isaiah uses the analogy of God shepherding each of us when he writes, “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young” (Isa 40:11).

Isn’t that what we all are needing and wanting?

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

The Pioneer and The Future

“The time for thinkers has come,” is one of Mary Baker Eddy’s iconic quotes for Christian Scientists. Mrs. Eddy talks about how to handle the past and the future in two paragraphs in the preface of Science and Health. …

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

How are we to be profitable?

We’ve all heard the saying “What goes up, must come down.” It’s a simple statement of cause and effect. Like a pencil that is thrown into the air, it always comes back down, illustrating the law of cause and effect. Without a cause, there is no effect. God and man are inseparable from one another because God is the great Cause of all good and man is His great effect.

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Jennifer Johnson Jennifer Johnson

Gratitude for Care and Healing

While I was at The Leaves, I had the opportunity to more deeply consider spiritual ideas. At times, I was not able to think, focus, or read much, but I was able to hear someone else read to me, and to ponder it.

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Professional and Warm Care Given

This is a thank you to your staff for the outstanding reception my mother received upon admission to The Leaves. It was not an easy decision to come to The Leaves for care and it involved a long four and a half hour drive to make it to the facility. But as soon as we arrived, our fears were put to rest by the warm and gentle reception we received.

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Moments of Wow in Christian Science Nursing

A patient at The Leaves said recently that prior to her admittance, she wasn't fully aware of how amazing Christian Science nursing is and what it does for mankind. She said that everyday she has what she called "moments of wow," and that when the Christian Science nurses are around she can actually "feel the Christ."

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Beth Griffin Beth Griffin

Expectancy of Healing During Symptoms of Stroke

I was introduced to The Leaves in 2010 when my mother had what appeared to be a stroke and required skilled nursing care. There was the belief that she might not make it through the week. That was 9 years ago. The Leaves has provided the most amazing, loving, kind, caring (Christian Science) nurses to care for her.

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