Cold symptoms instantly healed

Last week, I woke up feeling groggy and battling the sniffles. I didn’t think much of it, but by the time I got to work and sat down at my desk, I was exhibiting all the physical signs of a cold.

I silently turned my thought toward God. I prayed, “God is, therefore I am. God is healthy, therefore I am healthy. God is All in all, and there is nothing outside of Him or the goodness that He creates.”

There was a piece of paper that had been put on my desk, and it read at the top, “At a time of contagious disease, Christian Scientists endeavor to rise in consciousness to the true sense of the omnipotence of Life, Truth, and Love, and this great fact in Christian Science realized will stop a contagion”(Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 116:2).

God really speaks to us in just the way that we need! Also, I love working in an environment where spiritual topics are openly discussed and relied upon.

I sat with this truth of the omnipotence of Life, Truth, and Love, and declared: "I am conscious of this fact." I mentally demanded that I could feel the effects of this truth.

In a very short time, the symptoms cleared and I instantly felt like myself again. I realized quickly (as I do after most healings) that I was never “gone” from my normal state of health, vitality, and clarity, as this is indigenous to my being as God’s beloved child. There was no return of the seeming problem. I had a productive day of work, and have remained in perfect health. I am so grateful!

- Staff member at The Leaves


Stroke symptoms healed


My Son's Healing