Plans to Prosper


Our 3-pronged approach to ensuring the future success of Christian Science Nursing at The Leaves.

You can help support Christian Science nursing at The Leaves by donating towards our Plans to Prosper Campaign that is fashioned after Jeremiah 29:11. Your generosity will give The Leaves the means to progress now and in the future.

"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

– Jeremiah 29:11

Evidence of Growth

We are sharing this fruitage with you because we need your help to aid in sustaining this progress.

90% increase in care days from 2021 to 2023.

2,236 patient days in 2021 to 4,254 in 2023.

Staff housing is full for the first time in over 30 years.

We have nearly quadrupled the number of Christian Science nurse training students.

3 Christian Science nurses in our training program to currently 11.

We have tripled our patient count.

5 patients and residents in early 2021 to 15 current = 200% increase.

167% increase in Christian Science Nurses.

9 Christian Science Nurses in early 2021 to currently 24.

The Plan

Our board has been actively praying about next steps. Ensuring that we’re supporting and caring for our patients, residents, staff and their families is our highest priority. We have realized three areas where we need your help:

  • Renovate Current Staff Housing & Create a Christian Science Nursing Training Classroom

    Reconstruct staff apartment patios, and put in new windows, doors, and exterior siding for current staff apartments.

    Renovate The Lodge and keep four rooms with ensuites, demolish rotted overhang and make new roofline, put in new windows and doors and siding, put up a wall to separate bedrooms and kitchen area from family/childcare area and Christian Science nurses classroom and practical room.

    Concrete outside walkways and build an outdoor garden space with picnic tables and a grill area.

    Approx. $1 million.

  • Staff Housing Apartments

    Build new two story apartments with three bedrooms and two bathrooms that are 1115 sq ft. Also build apartments that are 4 two bedroom, two bath and 985 sq ft.

    Approx. $2.5 million.

  • Christian Science Nursing Facility

    Build a new 25,000 sq ft facility with 28 patient rooms, plus office and conference space on second floor.

    Approx. $8 million

Thank you for your support and patience while we worked on getting accurate drawings and determining feasibility for The Leaves Plans to Prosper for the future!

Using the $100,000 raised, we were able to initiate the planning process which includes:

  • ​Storm sewer lines assessed & cleaned of debris

  • Civil design for the site

  • As-built drawings for The Lodge

  • Conceptual architectural design for childcare, staff housing, and facility possibilities.

We hope you will consider being a part of this important work! 

What We Are Currently Doing

We have started the work of determining where the prime location is for these new structures to be built. We've hired a firm that specializes in Geotechnical drilling in order to determine the feasibility of building for the future on our existing property. From core samples of the soil, we will be able to learn much about how and where we can proceed with construction.

Plans to Prosper Matching Grant

We are delighted to announce that we are working toward a new outdoor courtyard on The Leaves' property between our staff housing buildings. We hope to name this courtyard the Brother Birds Garden in the spirit of harmonious fellowship.

Thanks to a very generous donor, we have a Matching Grant for up to $150,000 that will help us reach our $300,000 goal. This will include new concrete, moving the pool fence, removing tree stumps, adding 2 BBQ grills and picnic tables.

We look forward to this as a space for families, neighbors, and friends to connect as a community in this beautiful, functional garden.

Architectural Renderings

The proposed Brother Birds Garden courtyard area and the proposed new staff apartments.

Let’s Work Together
