Grateful for Outpatient services

I was at the store running an errand for a friend. As I was walking along the side of the building, a door opened suddenly, knocking into me and peeling the skin back on the forearm. The store employees were very kind, doing what they could to stop the bleeding.

Upon leaving the store, I called a wonderful Christian Science practitioner who started to pray for me. I immediately thought about The Leaves, called them, and headed right over to see if someone could help me.

A Christian Science nurse answered the door and was able to clean me up right away. He was so good and knowledgeable about cleaning the wound. The Christian Science nurse instructed me to come back every other day or so to change the bandages.

I truly appreciate the loving, comforting, practical care of The Leaves’ nurse in concert with my practitioner and myself, so we could then focus wholly on the spiritual truths regarding this healing.

The whole process was easy and harmonious. I never felt any pain except at the store. The area healed right up. Within two weeks the whole healing was complete. There’s barely even a visible spot there now, which is comforting especially given how frightening it was initially.

I truly appreciate The Leaves so much for being there for me - for all of us. I’m just so grateful that The Leaves offers outpatient care; it’s a full service healing experience!

– Patient at The Leaves


Potential Patient Healed on Admission Phone Call


Healing of foot wound