Potential Patient Healed on Admission Phone Call

Our work starts the moment the phone rings. One day about a year ago, I got an admission call from a man who believed he had a mobility challenge and was struggling to take care of himself at home.

As a Christian Science nurse, I’m always working to see people as God sees them. Refusing to give in to labels, no matter how the situation looks or sounds, I’m able to keep my thought focused on God and the perfection of His creation.

So as I was on the phone with this man, I was holding to these metaphysical truths and suddenly he said, “You know, I think I’m alright. I don’t need to come in after all.”

I checked back in with him 2 days later and he said he was completely free! He was healed on the phone! I’m grateful to God for this healing and for the immediate efficacy of Truth.

- Christian Science nurse at The Leaves


Healed of stroke symptoms


Grateful for Outpatient services