Gratitude for Care and Healing

I needed more care than I could give myself and more than my family could give me. I was admitted to The Leaves, a beautiful Christian Science nursing facility in Dallas, TX.  I needed wound care and help with walking, bathing, and meals, among other things. I was given special care by the Christian Science nurses and by my family, and I was in daily contact with my Christian Science practitioner.

The care at The Leaves was of a very high quality. The Christian Science nurses were professional, reliable, encouraging, and creative in solving the problems that came up. They were available to meet my every need. More importantly, however, they were spiritually prepared and so compassionate. They were willing to share their own spiritual journeys and spiritual thoughts. I never felt I had to face difficulties alone; someone was always at hand to encourage me, and no one to discourage me.

The Christian Science practitioner’s support was invaluable. As each problem arose, he would work immediately, and the discomfort would be alleviated. He was also working with me to give me a better sense of my spiritual identity.

While I was at The Leaves, I had the opportunity to more deeply consider spiritual ideas. At times, I was not able to think, focus, or read much, but I was able to hear someone else read to me, and to ponder it. I realized that I could always be grateful, so I took a stand for gratitude. I learned to recognize the power of gratitude, and to express gratitude consistently,--to be deeply grateful, not just “surface” grateful: I wanted others to know how much I appreciated them. Within a short time, I began to heal, and there was steady progress after that. I began to eat again, walk and breathe more freely, and to sleep better. Eventually I was able to do more of my own metaphysical work, with the Christian Science practitioner’s support. I was able to care for myself and to be more active. Gradually, I regained my normal mental strength and stability. When I left for home, I was myself again, ready to go on with my life.

Through this experience, my healings and my stay at The Leaves, I learned that all things and all individuals involved came together as one, expressing one perfect idea of healing. It was a precious experience and a complete blessing to me. I brought home with me fresh ideas on how to balance my life and I am enjoying putting them into practice. This helps to make every day new.

I will always be grateful for the experience that I had at The Leaves. I remember only the good and everyone’s kindness. It just fills my heart with joy and gratitude every time I think about it. I feel a closeness with everyone who helped me there.

-A Grateful Patient at The Leaves

Christian Science nurses and I were working with the above patient who needed help with cleansing and bandaging. The wound was deep and the patient chose to rely on God and Christian Science treatment for healing. Suddenly, the affected area spread and the material picture was very aggressive. The patient became not as coherent and was not speaking very much. Many of the Christian Science nurses working on this case were keeping in mind the story from the Bible of the Good Samaritan. Luke, Chapter 10 talks about binding up wounds and pouring in oil and wine. Taking an inspired view of this passage, we knew we were pouring in the heavenly inspiration, gentleness, and consecration that Mary Baker Eddy refers to in Science and Health (pg. 592). We were adamantly praying to see this patient as God sees them. We were all focused on giving the best care as quickly, quietly, and gently as we could. The physical picture improved quickly and less and less bandaging was needed. Being witness to that changing picture felt holy. Witnessing the awesomeness of God is holy work. Pretty soon we were able to call the family to tell them the patient could go home. The family was overcome with gratitude and joy for this significant healing.

-A Christian Science nurse

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Staff Member's Healing as an Outpatient


Professional and Warm Care Given