Healed after a fall

Recently, I seemed to have a fall and it appeared that I needed help. I called a Christian Science Practitioner to start supporting me and I went to The Leaves.

I’ve had countless healings over the years through Christian Science, so I was confident in turning to God for aid.

I am so grateful for the kind and professional help that was immediately made available to me. Loving Christian Science nurses stayed with me all night, supporting me while the Christian Science Practitioner and I worked to see that nothing could ever happen to harm God’s creation.

In a very short time, the whole seeming difficulty disappeared into its native nothingness. This was a quick and complete healing and I have had no return of the difficulty. This healing was witnessed by many individuals at The Leaves, and I hope my testimony will encourage those dealing with a challenge to stay confident in the Truth.

Christian Science nursing is just wonderful. And what a special gem The Leaves is! We really must appreciate and celebrate this incredible resource and haven for healing.

– Patient at The Leaves


Healing of foot wound


God's Great Shepherding at Christmas