
These workshops focus on caring for others and are designed to inform, inspire, and engage "sincere seekers" in an active ministry of Christian Science nursing.

These workshops are complementary – our gift to your church! 


Stay tuned as we build out the schedule. It will develop as churches sign up to host.

All subject to change.

Tues. Nov. 19, 2024

Dallas, TX - Preparing the Upper Room

Sat. Feb. 8, 2025

Tyler, TX - Care Committee

Wed. Nov. 20, 2024

Houston, TX - Preparing the Upper Room


Arlington, TX - Spiritual Dimension of Care (lunch provided)


  • Preparing the Upper Room (3.5 hrs.)

    Director of Christian Science Nurses Education at Le Verger in Switzerland, Wendy Abdollahi-Blumer, will be in Texas just 2 days to give this special workshop based on the Bible account of the Shunammite woman and connecting it to Christian Science Nursing. You won't want to miss this! Join us in Dallas on Tuesday, Nov. 19th, or in Houston on Wednesday, Nov. 20th. (Free as always.)

  • Prayer, Care, & Pizza (1 hr.)

    A workshop about Christian Science Nursing designed specifically for Sunday school students and their parents. There will be pizza! Meet real Christian Science Nurses, learn what they do, and the resources that are there to care for your family. It's intended to introduce, engage, inform, and show that help / support for your family is right at hand. And of course, expect to have fun! (Free as always.)

  • Spiritual Dimension of Care (5.5 hrs)

    If you're interested in healing, this workshop is for you. Learn how to think like a Christian Science nurse. Do you have to be a Christian Science nurse, or interested in becoming a Christian Science nurse to attend this (or any) workshop? No. It's the metaphysical foundation, the spiritual perspective of care, based on the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings. Come prepared for a day of deep thinking and prayerful uplift. During this workshop, we'll explore the spiritual foundation of Christian Science nursing based on Mrs. Eddy's writings including The Manual Bylaw and passages from the Bible. We'll dive deep into the ethics of Christian Science nursing as well as the qualities that are expressed. You might just find that you already express the qualities of a Christian Science nurse!

    Those who attended this workshop last year reported in their feedback that they felt this workshop was deeply inspiring and vitally important to their own practice, as well as how they view their role in church and as one who can meet the need of those in need of care.

  • Care Committee (2 hrs)

    Be the Good Samaritan. The Care Committee workshop is a great way to learn basic, practical skills to assist church friends. This is for anyone who wants to learn the basic skills of how to help others, and help grow a culture of caring at your church. Usher, care committees, reading room attendants, board members, etc. would all benefit from this workshop. It builds upon the Spiritual Dimension of Care workshop, so that the metaphysical foundation has been established. This is important so that these care ideas do not become merely physical activities, but instead are undergirded by spiritual truths that facilitate healing. Looking for extra resources? Check out

    Ethics regarding care.

    Gather ideas about communication, nourishment, and mobility.

    Practicing helping an individual move safely and comfortably to/from a chair, church pew, or car.

  • The Future of Christian Science Nursing at The Leaves (1 hr)

    Are you curious? Are you interested in supporting this healing work so that it's here to care for you, your loved ones, and future generations? Hear about the latest happenings at The Leaves' and plans for ensuring the current and future success of Christian Science nursing at our facility. You'll learn about our initiatives, building projects, and ways you can help support the healing work. This short talk can be combined with other workshops.

  • Medicare (1 hr)

    Anyone interested in learning how Christian Scientists fit into this system, and how to protect your rights and wishes. Learn the ins-and-outs of Medicare for Christian Scientists.

    An explanation of the services offered by The Leaves and answers to questions about health care coverage (including Medicare) and insurance options.

    This short talk can be combined with other workshops.

This has really energized our church!

– Workshop Participant

I want to now involve all church members to be on the care committee.

– Workshop Participant

I’m grateful to see the benefits of helping others by expressing the qualities of a Christian Science nurse.

– Workshop Participant

Host a workshop at your church.

Workshop attendees from this past year shared positive feedback about how the workshop energized their church and helped every member see themselves as being the Good Samaritan, as actively expressing the qualities of a Christian Science nurse. This has resulted in a higher understanding of The Manual Bylaw for Christian Science Nurse, more vibrant Care Committees, and members that feel more cared for and loved.  How could this workshop bless your healing practice? 

View & print the workshop flyer to distribute to your fellow Christian Science friends and branch church members.